• +64 9-9300789
  • admin@kiwi.ac.nz
  • L1, 15 Mercari Way, Albany Auckland


At orientation you will be warmly welcomed to our Campus by our team who will help and support you to settle in. Your well-being is our priority and we endeavour to make your experience with us the best it can be. You will meet your fellow students, your teachers and the Support Team and Kiwi College Management.
You will be shown around on campus and get familiar with the Health and Safety requirements. We will also further explain your programme, what to expect on a daily bases and where to seek help. The orientation is compulsory and it is important that you attend it and meet your fellow students.

Study Tips

The advice given below is intended for non-native English language speakers.
  • The most important thing is goal setting. You need to set short-term goals (for example, I will learn five new words every day, I will read four books this month, etc.) and also long-term goals (think about your future). Review your plan from time to time and set new goals.
  • Take the time to plan your goals and organise your study time. Try and study at the same time every day so that you get into a routine.
  • If you get homework, tackle the most difficult work early, when you are fresh and motivated.
  • Go flatting with Kiwis or people who don’t speak your language.
  • Study with a friend – you can test each other on vocabulary. Practise speaking and listening and discuss things you don’t understand.
  • Go to Kiwi restaurants.
  • Try to think in English, not your native tongue.
  • Read every day for half an hour.
  • Surf the internet.
  • Get you free library card from the community libraries and use the services offered.
  • Revise new words and revisit your vocabulary list every day for half an hour.
  • Start a vocabulary book where you write the English word and the meaning in simple English.
  • Build your vocabulary by reading books, newspapers and magazines, rather than just using your dictionary.
  • Play English Word games on your mobile.
  • Use every opportunity you can to speak to people in English (for example, in shops, or during other outings).
  • Phone someone from your class each day and speak to them in English.
  • Listen to the radio. Talkback radio is particularly useful because the people who ring up are ordinary New Zealanders. They repeat themselves a lot and they use common idioms. The more times you listen, the more you’ll hear and understand.
  • Start a regular discussion or study group with other classmates.
  • Listen to English songs. Listen again and again and try and write down all the words you hear.
  • Come to school early so you can talk with other students and always use English.
  • Read a short paragraph out loud every day to practise your pronunciation.
  • Exchange contact details with your classmates and email or text them regularly in English.
  • Write a diary in English every day.
  • Connect with a native English speaking friend and write messages.


Immigration New Zealand visa regulations require international students to attend classes at all times, as required, unless you have a genuine reason for absence. Kiwi College is under an obligation to inform Immigration New Zealand when a student is in breach of the Attendance Policy and Procedures which will result in cancellation of the student visa.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a core value of Kiwi College and helps to maintain the integrity of our courses or programmes of study. See the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures for more information.


What is good practice?

  1. Acknowledge the work of someone else. It is important that readers of your work can find the original sources you used, and you avoid plagiarism.
  2. Only use artificial intelligence tools if you are allowed to.
  3. Don’t allow other students to use your previous assessments, or copy your assessments.


You must avoid the following:

  1. “Ghost writing” – getting another person to write an assessment for you.
  2. Obtain an examination or solution through bribery.
  3. Using pre-prepared notes or material stored on cell phones or other electronic media in a closed book assessment or test.
Breaches of the Academic Integrity Policy are considered as misconduct and will be investigated and managed according to the Student Misconduct Policy.

Withdrawal and Refund of Fees

Kiwi College developed the Withdrawal, Refund and Fee Protection Policy and Procedures to ensure students have sufficient information and a clear understanding of their rights and the obligations Kiwi College has in terms of course/programme cancellations, student withdrawal and refunds and the protection of student fees.  The policy is to ensure that students are treated fairly and was written in accordance with the Education and Training Act 2022 and the NZQA Student Fee Protection Rules 2022.

Concerns and Complaints

Kiwi College Concerns, Complaints and Academic Appeals Policy and Procedures provide a clear process for resolving concerns, complaints and academic appeals in a timely manner, whilst applying the principles of natural justice. You can also read the Student Handbook for more information.
It is important to talk to your teacher about any concerns you have. If the teacher is not able to address the concern/complaint, you will be referred to the most appropriate person.